Apr 10, 2020 | News
Winter is coming and that means freezing temperatures and cold, stong winds. In your plans to close down your pool for the winter, a careful decision about the type of pool cover you’d prefer is essential. Throughout Burlington, Hamilton, Niagara, Cambridge, and...
Mar 5, 2020 | News
The phrase conjures up an image and certainly leads to the assumption that you need a huge yard in order to have your own pool. But we know this isn’t true as on-ground swimming pools come in in all shapes and sizes and bigger isn’t necessarily better. To make the...
Feb 17, 2020 | News
Now that you have your Smart on-ground pool, it’s important for both its beauty and longevity that you maintain your pool with regular cleaning. Not unlike your car or home, your on-ground pool is easier to keep clean if it is done consistently. The more time that...
Jan 28, 2020 | News
As you anticipate the installation of your new on-ground pool, it may be helpful to know about the various stages of construction so that you can be informed and prepared for every step of the on-ground project. To begin, Robert will arrive at your property a few days...
Jan 28, 2020 | News
People want pools in their backyards for different reasons and indeed, on-ground pools will fulfill many of these desires. Pools are certainly refreshing on a hot summer day; they’re nice to look at; and of course, they can provide hours of entertainment for children...